Yoga: Benefits, Risks & Different Types
Almost every gym and fitness center nowadays offers at least one class in yoga, a workout that involves performing a series of flexibility- and strength-building poses.
But yoga is more than just an exercise. It's also a spiritual discipline with a long history — and aspects that don't involve downward-facing dog poses. In fact, the word "yoga" translates loosely to "to yoke" or "hitch up," a phrase that emphasizes the practice's focus on mind-body unity.
The history of yoga
Yoga originated in India. The beginnings of the tradition are uncertain, but in the second or third century A.D., an Indian scholar named Patañjal penned the Yoga Sutras, 196 aphorisms that ultimately defined yoga as "the stilling of the changing states of the mind." Today, the Yoga Sutras are considered the fundamental text of yoga, though the practice itself certainly predates Patañjal's treatise.
The Yoga Sutras define eight "limbs" of yoga, only one of which is the poses, or asanas, practiced in gyms and studios around the world today. These limbs are:
Types of yoga
The first hint of yoga in the Western world came courtesy of an Indian monk named Vivekananda, who arrived in Chicago in 1893 to lecture enraptured audiences about Eastern teachings, according to a 2011 article in the New York Times. Vivekananda cared little for the asana side of yoga, focusing more on meditation and worship of God.
The first Western yogis, then, were not crunchy types in the 1970s, but hippies of an earlier age. In 1947, Indra Devi opened the first yoga studio in the United States, in Hollywood. A yogi named Richard Hittleman published popular books about yoga, downplaying the spiritual side for American audiences, throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Seeds like Hittleman's set the stage for an explosion of interest in swamis and gurus in the 1960s, according to Yoga Journal.
Today, Western yoga practitioners have their choice of practice, from gentle and restorative to hot and sweaty. Some delve into the spiritual angle, while others focus on the physical challenge. A few of the more popular varieties of yoga available in studios today include:
Risks and benefits of yoga
Yoga's benefits are both physical and mental, studies show. Yoga poses sooth the pain of the chronic condition fibromyalgia, according to research published in October 2010 in the journal Pain. A yoga practice was about as effective as medication for patients with the conditions.
Yoga at work may ease back pain and stress, and the practice might also reduce inflammation, an immune response that can contribute to heart disease and other chronic conditions. A review of 16 studies on yoga's mental health benefits, published in January 2013, found that practicing yoga can help improve symptoms for people with depression. The same study also found that yoga can ease sleep problems, even without sleep medications.
Like any exercise, though, yoga can have risks. People with herniated disks or osteoporosis, for example, should avoid deep forward bends, and anyone with neck problems should steer clear of headstands, Loren Fishman, a New York City physician who is also a yoga instructor, told LiveScience in 2012. Talking to a doctor about specific issues before starting a practice is recommended, as is letting your yoga teacher know of any limitations.
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