What vitamins stop you from being cold all the time?
We all know someone who is always cold. Or always hot. You might be one of those people who wears shorts all year, even in the chilly winter months. Or maybe you always have a sweater stashed in your bag, even in the summertime. Regardless of which side you may fall on, all healthy humans maintain a body temperature of about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius), give or take a smidge depending on the individual workings of your body and the time of day you're taking your temperature (it naturally fluctuates throughout the day). So, if we're all about the same temperature, why do some people feel so cold all the time?
First, let's rule out two conditions that may be causing you to reach for a sweater.
There are two diseases that may cause cold intolerance: Raynaud's disease and hypothyroidism, and both should be diagnosed by a health care professional. The symptoms of Raynaud's disease include cold, numb fingers and toes that may turn blue or white (it may also affect your ears and the tip of your nose). It's caused by a problem with how your blood circulates in your body -- during an attack (brought on by stress or cold temperatures) the arteries that bring blood to your skin narrow, and those narrow arteries can't deliver enough blood to the surface of those extremities. Raynaud's disease is very rare, though, and most of us who feel cold all the time are probably not suffering from the condition. Hypothyroidism, a condition where your thyroid gland is sluggish, however, is more common, and one of its classic symptoms is an intolerance to cold temperatures.
And now that we've ruled those out, what about the rest of us? What you might not realize is that your diet, not how many layers of clothing you may or may not be wearing, may be causing you to feel cold. Let's talk more about the vitamins and minerals that are important in keeping your temperature just right.
B Vitamin Deficiency Increases Your Cold Sensitivity
Your body controls its temperature basically like this: Your hypothalamus, a part of your brain, acts as your body's thermostat, working with other temperature-regulating parts of your body (your skin, blood vessels and sweat glands) to adjust your temperature ever so slightly as needed to maintain that healthy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). How hydrated you are (the better hydrated, the better your temperature control), how much body fat you have (lose body fat, and lose its heat-retaining benefits) and how toned your muscles are (better toned muscles generate more heat even when you're resting) also all contribute to how hot or cold we feel.
And so does what you eat.
Researchers have found that people who are B vitamin deficient may find themselves more sensitive to cold temperatures.
B vitamins are considered the "energy vitamins," because they play an important role in how your body converts food into energy. But their benefits don't stop there. B vitamins are also important for a healthy immune system, healthy red blood cell production, healthy digestion and a healthy nervous system. When the body is deficient in vitamin B12, a condition known as pernicious anemia, it can't make healthy red blood cells that are needed to carry oxygen throughout your body, and the result is coldness in your hands and feet and a general intolerance to cold temperatures. A B12 deficiency can be caused by malabsorption problems, autoimmune diseases, gastric bypass surgery, the lack of the hormone needed for the body to synthesize B12 (this is called the intrinsic factor) or by a diet lacking in balanced nutrition.
And speaking of balanced nutrition, iron also plays a role in whether or not you're feeling chilled, and it's iron-deficient anemia rather than pernicious anemia that you're more likely to hear about. Symptoms of an iron deficiency (iron-deficient anemia) may include fatigue, weakness and dizziness as well as pale skin and intolerance to cold temperatures (and cold hands and feet). If you're bothered by cold intolerance and warm beverages and an extra blanket aren't enough, consider seeing your doctor who will be able to pinpoint the problem.
Do Women and Men Have Different Cold Tolerance?Researchers have recently discovered that women are nine times more likely than men to have cold hands and feet [source: Cavendish]. Theories on the cause of this phenomenon range from differences in fat distribution, muscle mass and skin thickness.
Originally Published: Sep 4, 2012
Vitamins Help Cold FAQs
What does a vitamin deficiency mean?
It means that you are not getting enough of a certain vitamin in your diet. This can sometimes lead to severe problems. For instance, a lack of vitamin A could lead to night blindness. Doctors can prescribe supplements for the patient to use to increase their vitamin levels.Why does B12 vitamin deficiency increase sensitivity to cold?
Low B12 levels often correlate with low quantities of red blood cells. This can affect the transportation of oxygen around the body and can leave the affected person feeling cold, especially on their hands and feet.How do you increase vitamin B12 intake?
You can increase your vitamin B12 intake by eating more foods that naturally contain high levels of it. These foods include fish, liver, chicken and beef. If this doesn’t help, you can always use vitamin B12 supplements after consultation with a doctor.Should you take vitamin B every day?
Use your B vitamins as directed by your doctor. Excessively high quantities of any substance can lead to serious side effects. If your doctor prescribes you to eat vitamin B every day, then follow as directed.Do vitamins help fight the cold?
Vitamins don’t reduce your chances of catching cold but they can improve your immune system’s response to it and mitigate the symptoms. Studies show that vitamin C only slightly reduces the duration of colds.Lots More Information
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More Great Links
- American Cancer Society. "Vitamin B Complex." 2010. (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/TreatmentsandSideEffects/ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine/HerbsVitaminsandMinerals/vitamin-b-complex
- Anderson, J.; Young, L. "Water-Soluble Vitamins." Colorado State University. 2012. (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09312.html
- Cavendish, Lucy. "The curse of cold feet: Why women suffer more than men from icy toes... and what we can do about it." The Daily Mail. 2010. (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1254464/The-curse-cold-feet-Why-women-suffer-icy-toes--it.html
- Danoff, Rob. "Feeling Cold and Tired." MSN Health & Fitness. (Aug. 24, 2012) http://healthyliving.msn.com/health-wellness/women/feeling-cold-and-tired-1
- Mayo Clinic. "Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)." (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hypothyroidism/DS00353
- Mayo Clinic. "Iron deficiency anemia - Symptoms." 2011. (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/iron-deficiency-anemia/DS00323/DSECTION=symptoms
- Rush University Medical Center. "How the Body Regulates Heat." (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.rush.edu/rumc/page-1298329859904.html
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. "Raynaud's Disease." (Aug. 24, 2012) http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/raynaudsdisease.html