The grain supply of the Byzantine empire revisited: history, archaeology, palynology
The grain supply of the Byzantine empire revisited: history, archaeology, palynology
Paper by John Haldon and Neil Roberts
Given at the 53rd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies on March 29, 2021
Excerpt: We’re going to talk about in this paper the way the production of cereal, such as wheat, barley, millet and so forth, developed and was managed across the Byzantine period. This is one of the projects some of us are engaged on as part of our climate change and history research initiative based at Princeton … One of the most important facets of the Byzantine economy was of course its grain supply and it’s also an ideal topic in which to bring together in a properly integrated way the different skills and knowledge needed to study it properly although we talk about history, archaeology and paleontology in our title to reflect the main things we’re going to talk about.
John Haldon is Emeritus Professor of History and Hellenic Studies at Princeton University.
Neil Roberts is Emeritus Professor at the University of Plymouth.
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