Telephone Technology | HowStuffWorks

Publish date: 2022-11-28

We'll look at the different telephone technologies that enable us to easily communicate. Learn about Skype and Vonage, caller ID, fiber optics and more.

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How MagicJack Works

You may have seen ads for the MagicJack on late night TV or seen them displayed in retail outlets. Can the MagicJack's promise of low-cost phone service be for real?

By Bernadette Johnson

How Google Voice Works

It seems like everyone has a home phone, a cell phone and a work phone. Why can't someone call you at one number that reaches you no matter where you are?

By Josh Briggs

How Dock-N-Talk Works

You're ready to cut your land line phone service, but you're not sure your cell phone can work as your main phone line. The Dock-N-Talk turns your home phone into an extension of your cell phone. Problem solved.

By Tiffany Connors

How Two-line Phones Work

When was the last time you called someone besides your parents and got a busy signal? Two-line phones and other telecom technology are making that annoying signal disappear.

By Jennifer Horton

How Blocking Incoming Calls Works

Brrrrring. You sprint for the phone only to be rewarded with a caller who tells you that you won a free trip to Orlando. Only it's not free. And it's the seventh time he's called this week.

By Jennifer Horton

How to Clear Phone Line Noise

Snap, crackle, pop. Is that what your breakfast cereal or your phone sounds like? If it's your phone, you may to try some of these tricks for finding and fixing the problem.

By Jennifer Horton

How ILECs Work

ILECs are local U.S. telephone companies that were involved in the 1980's breakup of AT&T. Learn more about ILECs in this article.

By Dave Roos
