Star Wars Image Gallery | HowStuffWorks

Publish date: 2023-01-19
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Obi-Wan Kenobi grips a lightsaber in "Star Wars Episode II -- Attack of the Clones." Catch up with another Jedi trainer next.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi observes Yoda training Jedi Younglings. Yoda makes another appearance next.

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Yoda is a powerful Jedi. Here, he's seen fighting in the Clone Wars. What's his weapon of choice?

Photo courtesy Lucasfilm Ltd.

The lightsaber is the weapon of choice for the Jedi Order. Mace Windu wields a lightsaber with a purple beam.

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Anakin Skywalker was a young podracer before he became the evil Darth Vader.

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Anakin learns to use the Force and wield a lightsaber in battle. Next, see the Sith Lord responsible for turning Anakin into Darth Vader.

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Chancellor Palpatine takes Anakin under his wing and slowly turns him to the Dark Side. Next, see Anakin vie for his place in the Empire.

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Anakin Skywalker battles with Count Dooku as the captive Chancellor Palpatine looks on. Next, see Anakin in the animated Clone Wars series.

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A war-torn Anakin fights in the Clone Wars. Find out who Anakin's wife was in the next picture.

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Padme Amidala was the Queen of Naboo when she met Anakin Skywalker. Their romance blossomed while she later served in the Galactic Senate.

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Padme Amidala and Anakin were secretly married on Naboo. They become the parents of Luke and Leia.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

Here, Darth Vader faces Leia. Neither of them know it yet, but she is his daughter. See more pictures of the iconic villain on the following pages.

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The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, was portrayed by three different actors. James Earl Jones provided the famous voice of the villain.

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Darth Vader is able to use the Force to strangle his enemies.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

Man and machine, Darth Vader was a legendary Sith Lord. Check out Vader's suit on the next page.

Darth Vader is kept alive by his cybernetic suit equipped with a respirator system.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

Sith Lord Darth Vader battles his Jedi son Luke Skywalker. The two droids on the next page were inspired by the comedic duo of Laurel and Hardy.

Michael Jacobs/WireImage

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO with Kenny Baker as R2-D2. Baker was less than 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall and controlled R2-D2 from inside. The troopers on the next page are known for their white battle armor.

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Darth Vader poses with two Imperial Stormtroopers. They're known for having complex uniforms -- and bad aim.


The armor for Imperial Stormtroopers consists of 18 individual pieces. Speaking of villains, which one did Princess Leia strangle to death? Find out next.

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Princess Leia laid waste to the sluglike alien gangster Jabba the Hutt. Find out which Sith wields a double-bladed lightsaber next.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan battle against the evil Darth Maul, he of the double blade. Can you guess which bounty hunter Obi-Wan is fighting in the next photo?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi battles Jango Fett on Kamino. On the next page, hop onboard starships used by the Galactic Empire.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

A routine TIE Fighter patrol guards the Death Star. How many military folks can squeeze into that enormous space station?

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

It takes more than a million military personnel to run this space station, which is the size of a small moon. Find out the Death Star's purpose on the next page.

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The Death Star's chief responsibility is to function as a mobile platform for its main weapon -- the Superlaser. Fortunately, our heroes defeat the Death Star.

Photo courtesy © Lucasfilm Ltd.

Following the destruction of the original Death Star, the Galactic Empire begins constructing a new one. Learn more about the Death Star in How the Death Star Works.
