Siberian Squill: A Profile of a Garden Bulb

Publish date: 2022-01-22

This tiny, delicate-looking plant is actually one of the hardiest of all garden plants, thriving well north of the Arctic circle. It adapts to most conditions and self-seeds readily, forming vast colonies in undisturbed sites over time.

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Description of Siberian squill: Borne on stems only 4 to 6 inches high, the nodding blue flowers pack quite a punch in the landscape, especially when planted in large numbers. White and double-flowered forms are also available; 'Spring Beauty' has larger, deeper blue flowers. The grasslike leaves fade away shortly after flowering ceases. Ease of care: Easy.

Growing Siberian squill: Plant bulbs 2 to 3 inches deep and 3 to 6 niches apart in well-drained soil in fall. Siberian squills are equally at ease in full sun or deep shade. They need winter cold and do poorly in zones 8, 9, and 10.

Propagating Siberian squill: By division.

Uses for Siberian squill: Although there is no reason this bulb cannot be used in beds and borders, it is so ideally suited to naturalizing that it is generally used that way. Some lawns literally turn blue in the spring due to the number of Siberian squills that grow there.

Siberian squill related species: Scilla Tubergiana, bears white flowers with blue stripes. S. bifolia, a tiny early-spring bloomer, has blue, white, or pink flowers. An entire category of spring bulbs, the bluebells or wood hyacinths, has been taken out of the genus Scilla and put into the genus Endymion (sometimes called Hyacinthoides). Spanish bluebell (E. hispanica) and English bluebell (E. nonscripta) are typical of this group, with straplike leaves and 15-inch stalks of blue, white, or pink bell-shaped flowers.

Scientific name of Siberian squill:Scilla siberica

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