Race, Monstrosity, and the Other in Medieval Art

Publish date: 2022-08-26

Race, Monstrosity, and the Other in Medieval Art

By Sherry C.M. Lindquist and Asa Simon Mittman

Given at the Morgan Library and Museum on June 8, 2018

Co-curators of the exhibition Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders, Sherry C.M. Lindquist, Associate Professor, Western Illinois University and Asa Simon Mittman, Professor, California State University, Chico, will discuss the ways that medieval artists and writers demonized cultural outsiders, transforming religious and racial others into monsters, framing poverty and impairment as sin, and characterizing women as inherently deviant and dangerous. Focusing on medieval manuscripts illuminates the ways that these pernicious strategies are still in use today.

Click here to learn more about the exhibition Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders at the Morgan Library
