Plains Zebra | National Geographic

Publish date: 2023-04-11

Common Name: Plains zebras

Scientific Name: Equus quagga

Type: Mammals

Diet: Herbivore

Group Name: Herd

Average Life Span In The Wild: 25 years

Size: Height at the shoulder: 3.5 to 5 feet

Weight: 440 to 990 pounds

Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN Red List Status: ? Near threatened








Least Concern Extinct

Current Population Trend: Decreasing

No animal has a more distinctive coat than the zebra. Each animal's stripes are as unique as fingerprints—no two are exactly alike—although each of the three species has its own general pattern.

Zebra Stripes

Why do zebras have stripes at all? Scientists aren't sure, but many theories center on their utility as some form of camouflage. The patterns may make it difficult for predators to identify a single animal from a running herd and distort distance at dawn and dusk. Or they may dissuade insects that recognize only large areas of single-colored fur or act as a kind of natural sunscreen. Because of their uniqueness, stripes may also help zebras recognize one another.

Population and Herd Behavior

Zebras are social animals that spend time in herds. They graze together, primarily on grass, and even groom one another.

Plains zebras are the most common species. They live in small family groups consisting of a male (stallion), several females, and their young. These units may combine with others to form awe-inspiring herds thousands of head strong, but family members will remain close within the herd.

Zebras must be constantly wary of lions and hyenas. A herd has many eyes alert to danger. If an animal is attacked, its family will come to its defense, circling the wounded zebra and attempting to drive off predators.
