Palindrome Dates in the 21st Century

Publish date: 2022-05-21

There are a total of 38 palidrome dates in the 21st Century, in the month/day/year date format, as calculated by Aziz Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland. There are a 26 seven-digit dates, and 12 eight-digit dates, the latter of which are marked in bold below.

1. October 2, 2001 (10022001)2. January 2, 2010 (01022010)3. January 10, 2011 (1102011) (First seven-digit palindrome date in the 21st century)4. November 2, 2011 (11022011)5. February 10, 2012 (2102012)6. March 10, 2013 (3102013)7. April 10, 2014 (4102014)8. May 10, 2015 (5102015)9. June 10, 2016 (6102016)10. July 10, 2017 (7102017)11. August 10, 2018 (8102018)12. September 10, 2019 (9102019)13. February 2, 2020 (02022020)14. January 20, 2021 (1202021)15. December 2, 2021 (12022021)16. February 20, 2022 (2202022)17. March 20, 2023 (3202023)18. April 20, 2024 (4202024)19. May 20, 2025 (5202025)20. June 20, 2026 (6202026)21. July 20, 2027 (7202027)22. August 20, 2028 (8202028)23. September 20, 2029 (9202029)24. March 2, 2030 (03022030)25. January 30, 2031 (1302031)26. March 30, 2033 (3302033)27. April 30, 2034 (4302034)28. May 30, 2035 (5302035)29. June 30, 2036 (6302036)30. July 30, 2037 (7302037)31. August 30, 2038 (8302038)32. September 30, 2039 (9302039) (Last seven-digit palindrom date in the 21st century)33. April 2, 2040 (04022040)34. May 2, 2050 (05022050)35. June 2, 2060 (06022060)36. July 2, 2070 (07022070)37. August 2, 2080 (08022080)38. September 2, 2090 (09022090)
