Meadowsweet, Queen-of-the-Prairie: A Perennial Flower Portrait

Publish date: 2023-03-18

Meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie, is an American native at home at the edge of woods, in wet prairies, and in meadows from New York to Minnesota and south. A member of the rose family, the genus name means "hanging by a thread" and is said to refer to tubers that hang on the roots of one species.

Perennial Flowers Image Gallery

Description of meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie: Meadowsweet is a tall plant, growing to 7 feet with large clusters of tiny, pink flowers. Together they are reminiscent of a ball of cotton candy. They sit on top of stout stems and bloom in July. Ease of care: Easy.

Growing meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie: Meadowsweets prefer a good, well-drained, moist garden soil in full sun, although they will succeed in partial shade. Plants eventually form a good-sized clump.

Propagating meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie: By division in early spring or by seed.

Uses for meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie: Meadowsweet is best toward the back of a border and against a dark background such as low trees or shrubs.

Meadowsweet related species, queen-of-the-prairie:Fillipendula purpurea Elegans is from Japan. Plants reach between 30 and 40 inches in height and bear pale pink flowers in clusters, blooming in July. Filipendula ulmaria grows between 3 and 5 feet tall. Flowers resemble feathery plumes and appear in June. Plena grows to 3 feet, with double flowers, and Variegated has green leaves with creamy yellow stripes in the center. Filipendula vulgaris, or F. hexapetala, has finely cut leaves and bears loose panicles of small, white flowers on 18-inch stems, blooming in June. Flore Pleno has double flowers.

Scientific name for meadowsweet, queen-of-the-prairie:Filipendula rubra

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