Life Jacket Usage | HowStuffWorks

Publish date: 2023-02-15

Life Jacket Usage

The U.S. Coast Guard has several federal requirements regarding flotation device use. Recreational boats must carry one wearable PFD for each person aboard the boat. One throwable PFD, such as a ring or a cushion, must be present on any boat 16 feet and longer, although canoes and kayaks are exempt from this rule. These devices should be readily accessible, meaning they're not in the bottom of a trunk or tied to the side of a boat.

In addition to these federal regulations, many states have laws regulating the use of life jackets, particularly for children and for activities such as water skiing. However, there is no law that a person has to wear a life jacket. In 2005, the Coast Guard found that only about 23 percent of recreational boaters were wearing personal flotation devices [source: U.S. Coast Guard].

Many states have tried to pass laws mandating life jacket use for all adults, but they have not been successful. Those who support mandatory rules for adults point to laws regarding seat belts and helmets as instances where legislation increased use and saved lives. Boating, however, is seen as more of a leisure activity, where those who participate are choosing to do so at their own risk. In a 2002 survey, 55 percent of boaters disagreed that all persons should be required to wear a flotation device while aboard a boat [source: U.S. Coast Guard]. Boaters were more likely to support enforcing laws related to boating under the influence or stricter control of reckless boaters.

Some people may choose not to wear a life jacket because they are strong swimmers, and they count on providing additional buoyancy through actions such as treading water. A life jacket has additional safety purposes to consider:

For more information on life jackets and how other things float, check out the links below.

The Bikini Life Jacket

Flotation devices aren't just big orange blocks of foam anymore. Life jackets are increasingly becoming more stylish, in an attempt to appeal to a greater number of people and increase usage. Kids can choose from life jackets with their favorite cartoon characters, while sleek and form-fitting designs will appeal to more fashionable boaters. Bernstrand & Co, a Swedish design company, has a prototype of a bikini life jacket. This jacket has the flotation sewn into the places a bikini covers on the female body, and is cleverly titled "Baywatch."

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