Enzymes at Work - How Cells Work

Publish date: 2023-07-08

Enzymes at Work

There are all sorts of enzymes at work inside of bacteria and human cells, and many of them are incredibly interesting! Cells use enzymes internally to grow, reproduce and create energy, and they often excrete enzymes outside their cell walls as well. For example, E. coli bacteria excrete enzymes to help break down food molecules so they can pass through the cell wall into the cell. Some of the enzymes you may have heard of include:

Bacteria excrete these enzymes outside their cell walls. Molecules in the environment are broken down into pieces (proteins into amino acids, starches into simple sugars, etc.) so they are small enough to pass through the cell's wall into the cytoplasm. This is how an E. coli eats!

Inside a cell, hundreds of highly specialized enzymes carry out extremely specific tasks that the cell needs to live its life. Some of the more amazing enzymes found inside cells include:

A cell really is nothing but a set of chemical reactions, and enzymes make those reactions happen properly.
