Desktop Computers | HowStuffWorks

Publish date: 2022-06-16

There are many different types of desktop computers. Learn about PCs, supercomputers, printable computers and more.

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Computer Pictures

Computers have come a long way in the past few decades -- from filling up a room to slim and sleek designs that can nearly fit in your pocket. Take a look at some of the old and new models and learn about all the different features and types of these amazing machines.

Laptop Pictures

Whether you are shopping for a new laptop or just curious about the latest technologies on the market, take a look at our image gallery.

How Media-center PCs Work

We're already on the cusp of one of the next big media revolutions -- media-center PCs. The goal is to overcome the overlaps in the way we work and play, making the separation between home computers and entertainment systems obsolete.

By Julia Layton

How PCs Work

We've all used one, and most of us are sitting in front of one right now. Curious to know what's going on inside that ever-present PC? Here's your chance to find out -- without prying open your own.

By Jeff Tyson & Stephanie Crawford

How Printable Computers Will Work

Did you know it takes two full weeks for a microprocessor plant to produce one silicon-based microprocessor? Imagine being able to make one yourself by downloading designs and then printing it on your desktop fabrication machine.

By Kevin Bonsor

How Quantum Computers Work

Scientists have already built basic quantum computers that can perform specific calculations; but a practical quantum computer is still years away. Learn what a quantum computer is and just what it'll be used for in the next era of computing.

By Kevin Bonsor & Jonathan Strickland

How DNA Computers Will Work

In your body is more computing power than in any manmade supercomputer. The future of computing bypasses silicon in favor of the far-more-powerful DNA strand, and the possibilities are endless. Learn how DNA could replace the silicon microprocessor.

By Kevin Bonsor
