Craftsmen and metalworking in medieval cities: 35 years later

Publish date: 2023-02-23

Craftsmen and metalworking in medieval cities: 35 years later

International Symposium in Paris, September 12-14 2019

The symposium Craftsmen and Metalworking in Medieval Cities: 35 Years Later addresses the metallurgies of iron, copper, tin, lead and precious metals, which produced a wide variety of objects necessary for urban life at the end of the Middle Ages. The nature, volume and possible standardization of production may be studied, as well as the needs of the city, the practices and techniques of craftsmen, their knowledge and know-how. The relationships between the crafts and between the craftsmen themselves might be examined, including dependency links, pluriactivity, networks of sociability or local relationships in urban areas. The identity and regulation of these crafts, their integration into urban society, their relationship with the surrounding rural areas and with other cities may also be revisited. The symposium will be interdisciplinary in nature, promoting dialogue between historians, archaeologists and archaeometry, without excluding anthropological approaches to learning and knowledge.

Click here to download the Symposium programme

Top Image: Vulcan – BNF Ms fr 143 fol.148r
