Can You Get Stains Out of Clothes After They've Been Washed?

Publish date: 2022-12-31
Can you get tough stains out of clothes once the stains are washed in? Steve Baccon/Getty Images

One of the simple, unavoidable facts of life is that stains happen, no matter how careful we are with our glasses of red wine or simmering pans of spaghetti sauce. Unfortunately, every stain reacts differently to the myriad cleaning methods out there, so success isn't guaranteed on the first try, even if you do everything right from the very moment the blemish occurs. Many people throw in the towel, so to speak, after the garment in question has been put through the washing machine to less than stellar results. There's no need to give up on your favorite tee, though! Whether your pretreatment failed or you simply didn't notice the stain before tossing it in the wash, there are plenty of ways to eliminate pesky blemishes. In fact, almost all stains will come out with some extra elbow grease (pun intended). So lather, rinse and repeat as much as necessary, using any or all of these handy tips and tricks!

Whatever you do, try to avoid putting stained items in the dryer because the heat often causes the discoloration to set permanently.

Originally Published: Apr 12, 2012

Oil Stains In Clothing FAQ

What home remedy removes oil from clothes?
Start by blotting the stain as soon as possible after getting oil or grease on the clothing. Next, use dish soap (adding some baking soda if the stain is especially stubborn). Agitate the stain with a soft toothbrush or sponge. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes, then rinse the clothing before putting it in the washing machine on a regular cycle.
Can you remove oil stains from clothes after they have been laundered?
Yes, you should be able to. Soak the item of clothing in warm water, then apply a few drops of dish soap on the stain. Hold the material around the stain and start rubbing the sides against each other to work up a lather. This will help the fabric absorb the soap. Let it sit for about an hour or so before putting it through the washing machine. Make sure to air-dry the item to avoid setting any remaining oil. Repeat as necessary.
Are baking soda and vinegar helpful in removing oil stains?
Yes, they are. Douse the stain with white vinegar, then apply a paste made of equal parts baking soda and vinegar. If this doesn't work, immerse the item overnight in a bucket of water containing a few tablespoons of detergent and vinegar. Rinse and wash the following morning.

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