Blast-resistant Technology of the Future

Publish date: 2022-06-24

There are several new and emerging technologies in the explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) field. Let's examine a few of them.

For more information on bomb, blast-resistant technology and other related information, visit the links below.

Back to the Beginning

The advancement of bomb disposal techniques has progressed out of necessity at a pace roughly equal to the advancement of the bomb itself.

In World War I, the increased manufacture and use of artillery shells led to many "duds" -- unexploded ordnance (UXO). These duds had to be safely removed from both the battlefield and civilian areas. This, in turn, necessitated the advent of bomb disposal units. In the beginning, the training was mostly done on the job: Disarming the ordnance was a new and extremely dangerous task.

In World War II, the Nazis created new sources of confusion and calamity by designing bombs that behaved like duds, but were, in fact, set on long timers or designed to explode when the shell casing was breached by a UXO member. The bomb disposal teams effectively became the target of the bombs. This led to a lethal match between the bomb-makers and the UXO technicians.

Since then, bomb disposal advancements and methods have been held to the highest levels of secrecy so that bomb designers will find it harder to circumvent the efforts of the UXO teams.

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