Blackout Preparation | HowStuffWorks

Publish date: 2022-02-05

Blackout Preparation

The risk of a blackout is always present, and while certain electrically powered appliances are mere conveniences -- washing machines and air conditioning, for instance -- others are much harder to live without, even for a few days.

The best approach, then, is to be prepared. By following certain tips, you can make yourself a bit more immune to some of the problems associated with extended blackouts.

Hopefully, any blackout you experience will only last for an hour or two. But if it turns into a long one, following these tips should help you weather the storm.

For more information on blackouts, power grids, emergency preparedness and related topics, look over the links below.

Big Blackouts in U.S. History

The Great Northeast Blackout of 1965: After a relay failure, more than 80,000 square miles (207,199 square kilometers) of the northeastern United States and parts of Canada lost power, turning the lights out on 30 million people.

The New York Blackout of 1977: One hot night in July, multiple lightning strikes knocked out power to the entire city of New York, leaving 8 million people without light or air conditioning. The blackout triggered mass looting and arson across much of the city.

The Blackout of 2003: Cities across the midwestern United States, northeastern United States and southern Canada lost power, apparently due to a problem with a series of transmission lines known as "The Lake Eerie Loop." Roughly 50 million people lost power.

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