8 Tips for Fighting Sugar Cravings

Publish date: 2022-03-13

With the holiday season right around the corner, we know we have some decadent foods in store for us. There are office parties and family gatherings full of cookies, candies and desserts.

The dietary disaster that we've tried so hard to avoid the rest of the year rears its ugly head once again. I know that if I don't take serious action, I become a complete sugar addict over the holidays, and this bad habit carries over into the New Year.

So over the years, I've come up with a few ways to fight my sugar cravings:

Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight loss expert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a Hurry!
